Sales Activity Management
Project Goal
To help businesses manage sales opportunities and activities, increase win rates, and accumulate data and users to lay the foundation for digital transformation.
Core Function Modules:
Schedule Planning:
Plan schedules and business trips to ensure the orderly execution of sales activities.
Perform daily visit-related tasks, including visit sign-ins and follow-ups.
Evaluate visit effectiveness to promptly understand sales situations.
Record daily and weekly reports, conduct sales behavior analysis and review.
Obtain leadership evaluations and guidance to improve win rates.
Incubate the company's sales funnel model to optimize the sales process.
Behavior Recording:
Create activity list plans, clearly record sales activity arrangements.
Customize activity types to meet the needs of different sales scenarios.
Convenient visit recording function, only 30 seconds required to complete a visit record.
GPS-based sign-in function ensures data authenticity.
Work Review:
The system automatically generates weekly summary reports, making it easy for leaders to understand sales situations.
Users can create follow-up items anytime and anywhere to avoid omissions.
Messaging reminders ensure users complete follow-up items on schedule.
The system automatically generates user weekly/monthly reports for leadership evaluation and guidance.
After leadership approval, the system reminds users to view and execute the feedback.
Project Value:
Improve sales efficiency and win rates
Accumulate sales data to provide a basis for decision-making
Promote team collaboration and enhance sales performance
Lay the foundation for digital transformation
This project provides functions such as schedule planning, behavior recording, and work review to help businesses effectively manage sales activities and opportunities, increase win rates, and promote digital transformation.